
Brave Woman Fights Off Sexual Assault at Work with Quick Thinking and Courage

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At Protect Her Path, we believe in the power of awareness and self-defense. A recent story from South San Francisco shows how staying calm and fighting back can help turn the tide in a dangerous situation.

A woman working at a South Maple Avenue business bravely defended herself after a man attempted to sexually assault her early Wednesday morning. The man, who smelled of alcohol and wore surgical gloves, followed her into the building around 6:38 a.m. He asked to use her phone, and when she questioned him, he attacked. But instead of freezing, the woman fought back.

In the midst of the struggle, she managed to grab a metal object and struck her attacker above the eye, leaving him wounded. This critical move not only injured him but also distracted him long enough for her to run into the bathroom, lock the door, and call 911. Her quick reaction likely saved her from a more tragic outcome. The attacker fled the scene immediately after.

South San Francisco police have commended the woman for her bravery and resourcefulness. Cpl. Doug Smith said, “She’s very smart. I think she handled herself very well and saved herself from the situation. I really commend her for keeping her head together.”

The police are investigating this case and believe the attacker may be linked to at least one other assault in the area, including a sexual assault on January 4, where a woman was grabbed while walking down the street.

The suspect is described as a Hispanic man between 35 and 40 years old, with a medium complexion, brown eyes, short black hair, and a mustache. He was last seen wearing blue jeans, a brown leather jacket, and off-white surgical gloves.

Police are hoping someone will recognize the man by the cut above his eye from the woman’s brave defense.

Takeaway: This story highlights the importance of staying calm in high-pressure situations and using whatever resources are available to defend yourself. The woman’s quick thinking and determination to fight back helped her escape a potentially life-threatening situation. Remember, being aware of your surroundings and having the courage to act can make all the difference in protecting your path. Stay alert, trust your instincts, and always be prepared to defend yourself if necessary.

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