
Brave 65-Year-Old Woman Defends Herself with a Baseball Bat Against Half Naked Attacker

woman holding a baseball bat that she used in self defense

Clarese’s actions highlight the importance of having the right tools and confidence to defend yourself. Whether it’s a baseball bat, self-defense training, or the knowledge to assess a dangerous situation, protecting yourself is about quick thinking and preparedness. While we always encourage women to prioritize their safety by calling the authorities when possible, it’s also crucial to feel empowered with the ability to defend yourself when necessary. Remember: confidence and preparation can make all the difference.

In Gainesville, Florida, a bold 65-year-old woman named Clarese Gainey found herself in a situation many of us fear. Early one Sunday morning, she heard noises outside her apartment and saw a man trying to break into her car by pulling at the door handle and knocking on the window. Instead of immediately calling the police, Clarese decided to act.

Grabbing her baseball bat, she opened the door and confronted the suspect, a man identified as Antonio Mosely. When Mosely, who is 5’6″ and 300 pounds, charged at her, Gainey didn’t back down. She swung her bat, landing a solid hit on his head, causing him to flee.

Mosely tried to hide in a nearby mobile home, but left his clothes behind in the process. A police K-9 unit later tracked him down and found him wearing a new pair of pants with cocaine in the pocket. He was arrested and charged with burglary and drug possession.

Gainey remarked afterward that if she had a gun, she wouldn’t have hesitated to use it. But her baseball bat served its purpose, as she humorously referred to it as her “gun.”

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