
85-Year-Old Idaho Woman Heroically Defends Home, Fatally Shoots Intruder

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At Protect Her Path, we honor the bravery and resilience of women who take decisive action to protect themselves and their loved ones in the face of imminent danger. The story of Christine Jenneiahn, an 85-year-old Idaho woman who defended her life against a violent intruder, is a powerful testament to the importance of self-defense preparedness and the right to protect oneself. This extraordinary act of courage underscores the critical role that self-defense tools and training can play, even in the most terrifying circumstances. Christine’s determination to survive against all odds serves as an inspiring reminder that age is no barrier to self-preservation.

An 85-year-old Idaho woman, Christine Jenneiahn, courageously defended herself by fatally shooting an intruder in her home, an action that Bingham County Prosecutor Ryan Jolley described as “one of the most heroic acts of self-preservation I have ever heard of.”

Prosecutor Jolley, in a case review, confirmed that Jenneiahn acted in self-defense, declaring the incident a justifiable homicide. He praised her remarkable resilience, stating, “That Christine survived this encounter is truly incredible. Her grit, determination, and will to live appear to be what saved her that night.”

The Bingham County Sheriff’s Office shared the review on Facebook, detailing the events. On March 13, around 2 a.m., Derek Condon broke into Jenneiahn’s home. Jenneiahn, who was asleep, was awakened by Condon, who was wearing a military jacket and black ski mask and was pointing a gun and flashlight at her. Her disabled son was also present in the home.

The review revealed that Condon likely struck Jenneiahn in the head while she was in bed, as she reported being hit, and investigators found blood on her pillow and bedroom floor. Condon then handcuffed Jenneiahn and forced her into the living room at gunpoint, demanding to know the location of her valuables. When she responded that she didn’t have much, he threatened her life.

Jenneiahn told Condon about two safes in the basement, prompting him to leave her handcuffed in the living room while he searched the house. Upon discovering her son, Condon became furious, making numerous threats to kill Jenneiahn.

Seizing an opportunity while Condon was downstairs, Jenneiahn maneuvered her chair into her bedroom, retrieved her .357 Magnum revolver from under her pillow, and concealed it between the armrest and cushion of the chair. When Condon returned and threatened her again, she decided it was “now or never” and fired two shots at him, striking him both times.

Condon fired back, hitting Jenneiahn multiple times in her abdomen, leg, arm, and chest with a 9 mm pistol. He then retreated to the kitchen, where he succumbed to his injuries. Jenneiahn, still handcuffed, fell to the floor and remained there for approximately 10 hours until her son found her and provided a phone to call 911. Authorities arrived around 12:17 p.m.

Jenneiahn was transported to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center in Idaho Falls and has since been released and is recovering. The investigation uncovered a broken window, a screwdriver near the entry point, and a lock pick set, handcuff key, and stolen items on Condon’s body. His car was found nearby, with footprints leading from the vehicle to the house.

Citing Idaho’s self-defense law, which states, “No person in this state shall be placed in legal jeopardy of any kind whatsoever for protecting himself,” Jolley ruled the killing justifiable. He concluded, “This case presents an easy analysis of self-defense and justifiable homicide. It also presents one of the most heroic acts of self-preservation I have ever heard of.”

Jolley added, “Absent a clear attempt by Condon to retreat from the residence or surrender, which based on the evidence clearly did not occur, Christine was justified in taking any and all means necessary to defend herself and her son that night.”

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